Are you an achiever? Are you goal driven? Then you might just have a lower risk for developing Alzheimers Disease. A recent study (correlational!!!) found that elderly who see themselves as "self-disciplined, organized achievers have a lower risk for developing Alzheimer's disease than people who are less conscientious."!
To read more about it:
or go to the Archives of General Psychiatry to get a general synopsis:
This issue is particularly concerning to me as I have lost a maternal aunt to this condition and am concerned about the genetic link as it would relate to my mother. She is nearly 80 yrs old and includes crossword puzzles and other "brain games" to slow the potential onset of this condition. So good!!
This subject is particularly concerning to me as I lost a maternal aunt to this condition and am very aware of my mother's concerns. She is nearly 80 yrs. old and seemingly well. She includes crossword puzzles and other "brain games" to help slow the potential onset of Alzheimer's and I can only hope that this is effective. So good!!
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